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risk a battle中文

用"risk a battle"造句"risk a battle" in a sentence"risk a battle"怎麼讀


  • 冒險打一仗
  • "risk" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.風險,危險;冒險。 2.【保險】(損失的)風險 ...
  • "battle" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.戰,戰斗(行動),交戰,會戰,戰役,(一般)戰 ...
  • "battle" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.戰,戰斗(行動),交戰,會戰,戰役,(一般)戰爭。 2.斗爭,競爭;〔美國〕競賽。 3.勝利,成功。 a battle of words 論戰。 the disposition for a battle 戰術的部署。 the battle of life 生存斗爭。 The battle is not always to the strong. 強者不一定常勝。 a naval battle 海戰。 a close battle 近戰,肉搏。 a decisive battle 決戰。 a general's battle 戰略和戰術的較量,韜略戰。 a soldier's battle 勇氣和力量的較量,兵力戰。 a pitched battle = a plain battle 鏖戰,酣戰。 a sham battle 〔美國〕模擬戰,戰斗演習。 a street battle 巷戰。 accept battle 應戰,迎戰。 be killed in battle 陣亡。 do battle = fight a battle 挑戰,開戰,交戰。 fall in battle 陣亡。 fight one's battles over again 憶談當年勇,反復敘述當年功績[經歷]。 gain a battle 打勝仗。 give battle = do battle. give the battle 認輸,戰敗。 go into battle 投入戰斗。 half the battle 成功[勝利]的一半 (Youth is half the battle. 年輕氣銳就是一半成功)。 have the battle 戰勝。 join battle 參戰。 lose a battle 打敗仗。 lose the battle 戰敗。 offer battle 挑戰。 refuse battle 拒絕應戰。 vi. 作戰,戰斗,斗爭,奮斗 (against with for)。 battle with poverty 與貧困作斗爭。 vt. 〔美國〕與…作戰,與…斗爭。 battle the storm 與暴風雨作斗爭。
  • "battle for" 中文翻譯 :    斗爭
  • "battle with" 中文翻譯 :    與...戰斗
  • "in battle" 中文翻譯 :    在戰爭中,在戰斗中
  • "at risk" 中文翻譯 :    有風險,存在風險; 與某種疾病患者有接觸史的; 在危險中,有危險
  • "at the risk of" 中文翻譯 :    冒的危險; 冒...的危險, 有...的危險/可能; 冒……危險; 冒險; 冒著...危險
  • "no risk" 中文翻譯 :    不負風險; 無危險
  • "not a risk" 中文翻譯 :    承保一筆業務
  • "not at risk" 中文翻譯 :    不在保險范圍內; 沒有風險
  • "not on risk" 中文翻譯 :    不在保險范圍內
  • "of risk" 中文翻譯 :    保險責任終止
  • "on risk" 中文翻譯 :    承保中
  • "risk" 中文翻譯 :    n. 1.風險,危險;冒險。 2.【保險】(損失的)風險(率);保險金額;被保險人,被保險物。 at all risks=at any [whatever] risk 無論冒什么危險,一定,無論如何。 at one's own risk 對可能發生的后果自己負責,自擔風險。 at owner's[buyer's] risk 由所有人[購買者]負責。 at the risk of 冒著…的危險。 run risks [a risk] 冒險;run [take] the risk of 冒…的危險。 take a risk [risks] 冒險;【保險】承保…的險。 take no risks 慎重行事。 vt. 冒…的危險;拼著,賭著(性命);好歹試試看,冒險去干。 risk a battle 冒險一戰。 risk one's fortune [life] 拼著財產〔性命〕。 risk the jump 大著膽子跳跳看。 risk sb.'s anger 冒著某人可能會生氣的風險;抱著受某人責備的決心試試看。 risk it 豁出去。
  • "the risk of" 中文翻譯 :    冒之危險
  • "battle after battle" 中文翻譯 :    一場又一場戰斗
  • "emergency risk unknown risk" 中文翻譯 :    意外風險
  • "extraneous risk, additional risk" 中文翻譯 :    附加險
  • "risk (or risk-bearing) capital" 中文翻譯 :    承擔風險的資本
  • "risk insured risk covered" 中文翻譯 :    承保險項
  • "risk project risk" 中文翻譯 :    風險項目風險
  • "run a risk of =at the risk of" 中文翻譯 :    冒險; 冒……險
  • "seismic risk, earthquake risk" 中文翻譯 :    地震危險性
  • "a battle at changbanpo" 中文翻譯 :    長坂坡


  • Far from doing anything of the sort , he used his power to select out of all the various courses open to him the stupidest and most pernicious of all . of all the different things napoleon might have donespending the winter in moscow , going to petersburg , going to nizhni - novgorod , going back a little more to the north or to the south , by the road kutuzov afterwards tookno course one can imagine could have been more ruinous for his army as the sequel proved than the one napoleon actually did adopt ; that is , the course of staying in moscow till october , letting the troops plunder the town , then in hesitation leaving a garrison behind , marching out of moscow , going to meet kutuzov and not giving battle , turning to the right and going as far as maley yaroslavets , again refusing to risk a battle , and finally retreating , not by the road kutuzov had taken , but by mozhaisk and the smolensk route through devastated country
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